Wednesday, July 27, 2011

14 Weeks

I am now 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Had my doctor's appointment yesterday, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was strong and fast! I remember when I was younger, my mom told me that they used to predict baby gender by the heartbeat. Anything below 140 was a boy, and anything above 140 was a girl. Of course there is no scientific evidence to back this theory up, but if it were true, my Little One would be a girl, because the heart rate was 162. I still haven't gained any weight yet, but the fat that I had before my pregnancy keeps sticking out further, so it must be the baby. Haven't felt any movement yet either, but they say I'm still a bit too early, and that I may feel something within the next 3 weeks.

My next appointment is August 24. This is the "big" appointment, as my doctor likes to call it. They will do an extensive ultrasound to get a good look at the baby's anatomy, and I'll find out the baby's gender! That is, if the baby decides not to be shy! If he/she is anything like his/her father, then shyness won't be a problem! 28 days left and counting until we get to see our Little One again!

Early pregnancy symptoms are "seeming" to subside. I did have any nausea at all yesterday, and I even woke up extremely early and got less than 8 hours sleep!  Blood sugar has been an issue. It is constantly running low, even after I eat. My OB/GYN referred me to a dietician so that we can find a diet that will keep my blood sugar up so I won't feel so bad. I also got some nausea medicine in case the nausea decides that it doesn't want to go away before I start teaching again.

The most interesting symptom of pregnancy is the DREAMS! I have some of the most interesting dreams that seem VERY real, until I wake up and realize that it was just a dream. They are so vivid!

I will be posting a belly picture soon, I've just been too lazy to take one. Maybe today will be the day. :)

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