Wednesday, July 27, 2011

14 Weeks

I am now 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Had my doctor's appointment yesterday, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was strong and fast! I remember when I was younger, my mom told me that they used to predict baby gender by the heartbeat. Anything below 140 was a boy, and anything above 140 was a girl. Of course there is no scientific evidence to back this theory up, but if it were true, my Little One would be a girl, because the heart rate was 162. I still haven't gained any weight yet, but the fat that I had before my pregnancy keeps sticking out further, so it must be the baby. Haven't felt any movement yet either, but they say I'm still a bit too early, and that I may feel something within the next 3 weeks.

My next appointment is August 24. This is the "big" appointment, as my doctor likes to call it. They will do an extensive ultrasound to get a good look at the baby's anatomy, and I'll find out the baby's gender! That is, if the baby decides not to be shy! If he/she is anything like his/her father, then shyness won't be a problem! 28 days left and counting until we get to see our Little One again!

Early pregnancy symptoms are "seeming" to subside. I did have any nausea at all yesterday, and I even woke up extremely early and got less than 8 hours sleep!  Blood sugar has been an issue. It is constantly running low, even after I eat. My OB/GYN referred me to a dietician so that we can find a diet that will keep my blood sugar up so I won't feel so bad. I also got some nausea medicine in case the nausea decides that it doesn't want to go away before I start teaching again.

The most interesting symptom of pregnancy is the DREAMS! I have some of the most interesting dreams that seem VERY real, until I wake up and realize that it was just a dream. They are so vivid!

I will be posting a belly picture soon, I've just been too lazy to take one. Maybe today will be the day. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Maternity Shopping

Yesterday, Dustin and I decided to go to the mall. He needed a haircut, and I wanted to start looking for maternity clothes. I thought that it would be a simple task, and that the most difficult part would be deciding between all the cute clothes. Boy, was I wrong! We went to Motherhood Maternity, and while some of the clothes were cute, they were SUPER expensive! JCPenny claims to have a maternity department, but they only have about 5 racks of UGLY maternity clothes! And don't get me started on cute, comfy shoes! There's no such thing! Cute flats with no support, No cute slip-on shoes or anything! By the time we left the mall, Dustin was excited about his haircut, but I was depressed about not finding any cute maternity clothes. I did find a comfy pair of brown shoes for $13. The only reason I bought them was because they were originally $45, and I can return them whenever I want, as long as I don't wear them and I have the receipt. They're not exactly the cutest things, but when I'm 7-9 months pregnant and miserable, I don't think I'm going to care much about cuteness anymore.

So, when I woke up this morning, I decided that I would see if the internet had more to offer in the way of affordable, cute maternity clothes than actual stores. I was right! Old Navy is the BEST at offering cute, affordable maternity clothes! They are shoppable by clothing type, trimester, etc. so it was easy and fun to shop! I found a TON of clothes that I want, but being that we're not exactly "rolling in dough" right now, I got 2 pair of dress pants, a pair of jeans, 3 cardigans, and a cute embellished top for $129! I'm excited, and I can't wait to see the clothes that I ordered! I really hope that they fit! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

11 Weeks

So we are now up to present time, today. After church, I decided that since I was actually dressed and it has been 3 weeks since my last picture, that I would get a picture of my belly. People have been telling me that they see a baby bump, but I kept insisting that it was the fat growing. But then I had to remind myself that I had actually lost 6 pounds since my first OB appointment, so it really couldn't be ALL fat, there definitely had to be some baby in there. I was surprised by the differences in Week 8 and Week 11! Tell me what you think:

OB Appointment #2 (June 28, 2011)

I had my second OB appointment on June 28. I was 10 weeks pregnant, and definitely showing symptoms, but not showing much of a baby bump. The results from all of my tests during my first appointment came back clean, and I found out that I was rh negative, meaning that I would have to have a special shot 28 weeks into my pregnancy. The way that the doctor describes it, it isn't anything major to worry about. She did another ultrasound, and this time, instead of seeing a speck, we saw that looks like a baby, only it was upside down. It was moving its little feet and arms, and even waved at me and Dustin. I was so excited that I cried. For the first time, I was seeing what looked like a little baby growing inside of my belly. I was overjoyed, and still in disbelief that the little baby on the ultrasound machine was mine. She scheduled my next appointment for July 26, 4 weeks away. She said that at the next appointment she will use Doppler to try and hear the baby's heartbeat, but she would not do an ultrasound unless it was necessary. I'm kind of hoping that the baby buries itself deep down in my belly so that she cannot hear it, and she will be forced to do the ultrasound. I'm not sure I'll be able to handle not seeing my baby for another 8 weeks!

There's my upside down little one! The right hand was waving at us!

The doctor did give us something more to look forward to: we will be able to determine the baby's gender at my appointment in August, which should be scheduled around the 23rd of the month. Fingers crossed!

8 Weeks

At 8 weeks, 2 weeks after my first appointment, I decided to take a picture of my baby bump (or lack thereof). You can see a little something in my lower abdomen, but to be honest, I really think it's just fat.

Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

Every woman has different experiences with pregnancy symptoms. I feel sick a LOT. I have only thrown up about 5 times since I've been pregnant, but I feel nauseated about 18 hours out of every day, ESPECIALLY if I don't eat every 2-3 hours. Being hypoglycemic before pregnancy, my blood sugar can get out of hand, but as long as I eat right and often I keep it under control. I feel tired all the time. I have to get at least 10 hours of sleep or I feel bad, and I need a nap too if I've been really active. I get headaches from time to time, and I get lightheaded and dizzy. I've made a promise to myself that I will not take medicine unless my symptoms are extreme, and so far I've only taken 2 tylenol and 2 dramamine. I also get pretty moody from time to time, and cry for no reason. Well, I guess there's a reason: I'm pregnant.

First OB Appointment

I had my first OB appointment on May 31. I was 6 weeks pregnant, and still not experiencing any symptoms of a growing baby inside of me. My OB/GYN, the wonderful Dr. Pennebaker, performed an ultrasound, and found a little speck of a baby. She said that everything looked great, and that I should begin taking prenatals and eating right. She scheduled my next appointment for June 28, 4 weeks later.

                  The baby is in the top of the black oval.

I had already changed my diet the day I found out I was pregnant. Being a caffeine addict, sugar junkie, and water-hater, I still find it hard to believe that I got pregnant in the first place. Plus, I was in a car wreck exactly one week before, and went through a great deal of stress, but no injuries thank goodness. The little one inside me was determined to stick around. And I was determined to keep it around. I gave up caffeine and sugary drinks and snacks cold turkey. I still have the occasional sugar snack, but I don't have too much. I now drink water, sprite, or juice, but water mostly. I try to eat right, which is something that I did not do before, and I was determined to exercise at least 3-5 times a week.

Unfortunately, pregnancy symptoms began to set in, and I began feeling horrible.

The Big News

Okay, so it took 15 months for "Whatever happens, happens" to happen. After months and months of taking pregnancy tests and getting negatives, I began to become worried that maybe something was wrong, and Dustin and I would never become pregnant. People kept asking us, "When are you two going to start a family?" "When's the baby coming?" And I began to become frustrated. All I could say was "Whenever it wants to" or "We are trying!" Even my students at school kept bugging me about when I was going to have a baby! Even though I didn't tell many people, Dustin and I had been REALLY trying since I graduated from college, but nothing was coming from it but wasted money on pregnancy tests and me becoming depressed.

On May 18th, 2011, the next to last day of teaching for me, and 3 days until Dustin's college graduation, I felt the need to take a pregnancy test. I kept telling myself that it was a bad idea. We really didn't have the money for me to buy one, and I was only 3 days late, which was typical of me. I argued with myself for the entire day before going to Walgreen's before going home and picking up a test. When I got home, I got on my knees and prayed to God that if the time was right, that I would be pregnant. I was ready to be a mother, and I knew that Dustin and I would make good parents. Dustin was finished with his undergrad, I had a year of teaching under my belt, and I was 3 months away from completing my Master's, which I would do over the summer. I thought that the timing was right.

Then I took the test. I was afraid to look at it at first, because I didn't want to be upset again, but I was used to the disappointment, so I looked anyway. To my surprise, there were two lines on the test instead of the usual one line. My heart began to race, and I began shaking with excitement. I called my sister to ask her what I should do, and she told me to go to the doctor and get a confirmation, in case the test was wrong. Dustin wasn't going to be home for another 2 hours, so I raced to the after hours clinic. They gave me another test, and it was also positive. 2 positive tests in one day, after taking over a dozen tests and getting negatives. The doctor wrote me a note confirming my pregnancy, and giving me and approximate due date of January 20. The doctor deduced that I was about 4 weeks pregnant. I raced home with my paper, and waited to Dustin to get home.

When Dustin got home, I asked him if I could give him his graduation present early. I made him sit downstairs at the table, while I went upstairs to get his present, because it was a "BIG" present. I rattled a few things around in the closet to make it seem as if I was retrieving his gift. When I came downstairs, I made him close his eyes and open his hands. Upon reading the paper, he teared up, his only response being "Really?" I replied, "Yes, honey, we are going to have a baby!" We embraced one another joyfully, excited that we were finally going to experience the joys of pregnancy and parenthood.

This was before the symptoms of pregnancy really had time to kick in.

I would post pictures of the note and the pregnancy test, but I didn't take pictures of either, and I can't find the note at the moment. I didn't keep the test; that's kind of disgusting.

The Short Story of We Got Here

I met my husband Dustin in the Fall of 2008. We had a Spanish class in college together. I had already heard about this student who was amazing in Spanish, though none of what I heard was any good. One of my friends had even told me that he had made one girl cry in the previous semester! I was determined to show this student that his awesome Spanish skills did not intimidate me. I answered questions often in class, and spoke as much Spanish as I could when he was around so that he would know that I could speak Spanish just as well as he could (which was a lie then, like it is now). About 3 weeks into the class, he introduced himself to me after class was dismissed. I'll never forget his first words to me: "I'm Dustin." As badly as I wanted to say, "I already know who you are," I went with the more lady-like response: "Hi, I'm Heather." Although we interacted with one another through the rest of the semester, nothing ever came of it.

Until the next semester. I had spoken with Dustin periodically over the Christmas Break, and I knew that we had another Spanish class together in the Spring semester. While getting ready for the first day of class, I found myself becoming excited to see Dustin after 5 weeks. After getting dressed, I remember thinking, "I wonder if Dustin will like this outfit." That's when I realized that I wanted to be more than friends with Dustin, and I was determined to make it happen. It didn't take long for me to realize that Dustin liked me too. We sat next to eat other in class immediately, and I would hang out with him in his dorm room after class sometimes. We would play Super Nintendo, and he would always beat me at every game. By February, we were hanging out with each other nearly every day. One night, we decided to watch a movie at his dorm. Kung Fu Panda. I remember not liking the movie, but we cuddled more and more as the movie played. When the credits began rolling, Dustin and I locked eyes, and then lips. We wouldn't officially begin dating for another month, but I already knew that this relationship was going exactly where I wanted it to.

We were inseparable for the next 6 months. I day wouldn't pass when we did not see one another, and we spoke with each other on the phone nearly every minute that we were away from one another, even when we were both working. When I went to Costa Rica for 2 weeks, I missed Dustin so badly that I cried every day for the first 3 days. Eventually I got used to being without him, but I still managed to text or speak with him every day until I got back. On September 11, 2009, on our 6-month anniversary, Dustin proposed. Of course I said yes, and we began planning a wedding for January 2, 2010.

Our wedding was wonderful, and our honeymoon was even better! We went to Mexico (naturally) on a 5-day cruise and had a blast. Dustin spoke Spanish once we stepped onto Mexican soil, and I pretended not to know a thing, haha! After the honeymoon was over, it was back to school we went, with me graduating in May, and Dustin having an entire year left. After graduating, I started a Master's program to become a Spanish teacher, so that we would have a good income and good benefits while Dustin was still in school.

But anyway, on to the baby thing. Dustin and I actually began planning for a child very shortly after getting married. I knew that it would take me a while to get pregnant, and our lives were so busy that we wouldn't really have time to focus all of our energy on becoming pregnant, so we just went with the flow, and had the motto "If it happens, it happens."

You can read about what happens next in the following blog.

Introduction to the next 6 months, and then some.

This is a blog which I will use to detail the experiences of my very first pregnancy. I will add some history about how me and my husband met, our wedding, when I found out I was pregnant, etc. Of course there will be pictures as well, otherwise it would be a pretty boring story. It will at least go through my entire pregnancy and a few weeks afterward, but if I like where this is going, I may continue it as a blog about being a mom. This is mainly for the people who want to know what's going on with me, but aren't around all the time to know. So, if there's anything that you want to see on here that you're not seeing, please, feel free to let me know! Hope you enjoy!